Peng GUOWuhan University Dept. of Chemical Medicine, School of Pharmaceutical Science +86(27) 6875-9059(office); +86-13986011486 (mobile) email: guopeng@whu.edu.cn
Focus on mechanistic and synthetic chemistry for pharmaceuticals and flavors. Development of new methods for organic synthesis especially C-C and C-N bond formation in pharmaceuticals. Near-IR Cyanine dye design, synthesis and its application in bio-molecule detection and imaging. Development of Chinese herb extraction process and purification.
2002-present: Wuhan University Professor (Jan 2005-) Associate Professor (2002-2004)
1989-1994, 2000-2002: Hubei Research Institute of Chemistry Assistant Professor (July 1989-Oct 1994)
Associate Professor (September 2000-April 2002)
1999-2000: Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research advisor: Professor Albert S. C. Chan and K. Y. Wong Development of the BINAP complexes-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation reaction.
1995-1999: Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Degree awarded: PhD. Research advisor: Professor Kwok Yin Wong Thesis title: Elelctropolymerization of Transition Metal Complexes and Their Application in Catalysis.
1986-1989: Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University Degree awarded: MPhil. in Chemistry Research advisor: Professor Jieke Cheng Thesis title: Inorganic Exchanger Synthesis, Characterization and Applications
1982-1986: Department of Chemistry, Wuhan University Degree awarded: B.S. in Chemistry Research advisor (1981-1982): Professor Zaoying Li Thesis title: Omethoate synthesis and scale-up development
Born Jun 30, 1964, Xinzhou, Wuhan, Hubei, China
1.Tao Jia, Jing Wang, Peng Guo and Junping Yu,Characterizations of cationic γ-carbolines binding with double-stranded DNA by spectroscopic methods and AFM imaging,Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13, 1234-1242
2.Tao Jia, Jin Xiang, Jing Wang, Peng Guo and Junping Yu, Interactions of Newly Designed Dicationic Carbazole-Derivatives with Double-Stranded DNA: Syntheses, Binding Studies and AFM Imaging,Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11 (33), 5512 - 5520
3.Kwong-Chak Cheung, Peng Guo, Ming-Him So, Zhong-Yuan Zhou, Lawrence Yoon Suk Lee,and Kwok-Yin Wong, Ruthenium Terpyridine Complexes Containing a Pyrrole-Tagged 2,2′-Dipyridylamine Ligand Synthesis,Crystal Structure, and Electrochemistry, Inorg. Chem. 2012, 51, 6468−6475
4.肖淼生,叶立红,姜华军,郭鹏, 两种不同方法测定氯霉素二甲亚砜溶液中氯霉素含量,中国药业,2010,19(1),23-24
5.Kwong-Chak Cheung, Peng Guo, Ming-Him So, Lawrence Yoon Suk Lee, Kam-Piu Ho,Wing-Leung Wong, Kam-Han Lee, Wing-Tak Wong, Zhong-Yuan Zhou, Kwok-Yin Wong,Electrocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide by a polymeric film of rhenium tricarbonyl dipyridylamine,Journal of Organometallic Chemistry,2009,694,2842–2845
6.王 涛, 郭 鹏,阿奇霉素颗粒处方的筛选,医药导报,2009,28(4),503-504
7.代旭勇, 李立威, 郭鹏, 孙成华,7beta一叔丁氧拨基氨基一氯甲基一头袍烯一羧酸二苯甲酯的合成,中国医药工业杂志,2009,40(1),16-18
8.郭鹏 ,方芳,代旭勇,李立威,苏春轩,安吡昔康含量及有关物质测定,中国医院药学杂志,2009,29(9),772-773
9.陈勤,郭鹏,薄荷脑- 羟丙基-β- 环糊精包合物的拉曼光谱分析,药物分析杂志,2009, 29 (9),1528-1532
10.陈勤,郭鹏,水溶性薄荷脑-2-羟丙基β-环糊精包合物长效镇痛注射液的研制,广东betway必威学报,2009, 25(4),339-342
11.梅启明, 郭鹏, 梅秀丽,联苯胺对大鼠肝脏线粒体同工酶的表达差异研究,湖北农业科学,2007,46(6),877-879
12.Peng GUO, Xiaohua LI, Jian WANG, An YOU,Study on the Compatible Stability of Cefotaxime with Tinidazole in Glucose Injection,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2007,43,1849–1853
14.谷亦平, 郭鹏, 周利娟, 艾鸣哲, 刘洁,顶空-气相色谱法测定穿心莲内醋中有机溶剂残留量,中国药师,2007,10(7),661-662
17.李小花、李能丽、郭鹏,头孢吡肟与替硝唑葡萄糖注射液配伍稳定性考察,中国药学杂志,2006, 41(19),1508
18.郭鹏、李小花、游 安、李能丽、周欢,废次烟叶中茄尼醇皂化工艺的研究,中国新药杂志,2006,15(19),1159
20.郭鹏、李小花、汪选斌、游 安、李能丽,反相高效液相色谱法测定烟叶提取物中茄尼醇的含量,2006,17(19),1498
21.郭鹏、李小花,气相色谱顶空进样法测定头孢吡肟中3种有机溶剂含量,中国医院药学杂志,2006, 26(2),172
1.Damascenone and its related compounds preparation, China Patent
2.Water Soluble α-amino acids preparations, China Patent
3.Chiral ketoprofen and ibuprofen resolution, China Patent
4.Racemization of L-lysing process China Patent